Dekor Asia Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Sustainable Economic Activity

PT. Dekor Asia Jayakarya is a manufacturing company specializing in decorations and crafts utilizing wood materials, primarily bamboo. Established in 1997, 99% of its products are now exported to regions such as Europe, America, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East. These products include garden accessories, hospitality products, and home furniture decorations.

PT. Dekor Asia Jayakarya, as a primary partner for the Business and Industrial Sectors (DUDI), is expected to provide a sustainable solution to the problems of mask waste and industrial wood waste management. More specifically, the benefits for universities include the acceleration and implementation of science and technology knowledge, while the partners will gain from product innovations with higher economic value. In this context, the international market, as an export target for partners, prefers sustainable products that support environmental preservation.

The proposed program aims to combine mask waste, serving as the matrix, and wood waste, serving as the reinforcement, in composite technology. The benefits of this proposed innovation are divided into two categories: tangible and intangible. Tangible benefits include semi-finished products in the form of composite boards made from mask waste and industrial wood residues. Intangible assets include products derived from ideas, collaborations, and product branding from agreements between the proposing teams and partners.

The raw materials used to produce composite boards and semi-finished resin products come from industrial wood and bamboo waste, combined with discarded masks. These waste materials are sourced from industrial wood waste owned by partners or suppliers located in the Yogyakarta and Jepara regions.

Preparation of raw materials is essential to ensure that the supply of raw materials is available and in ready-to-use condition, thereby preventing disruptions in the production process. The preparation of raw materials is divided into several stages, including the collection of waste materials, cleaning and size classification of the waste (wood and bamboo), drying, and storage.

In the raw material preparation activities, the university, consisting of lecturers and students, along with the partner”s leadership, held a coordination meeting regarding the disposal of used masks and their processing technology. The expected benefit from this coordination is for the partner to gain knowledge transfer on the proper use of masks, appropriate disposal methods, and processing technology. The focus is not only on workers” health and safety but also on adding value to the waste. The university and the partner”s leadership also provided special waste bins for these masks in the work area. Additionally, university members held coordination meetings to prepare students participating in the Kedaireka MBKM program.

Industrial wood waste from partners and their suppliers will be sorted and prepared as composite raw materials. This preparation includes cleaning the waste from other elements such as nails or bolts. After sorting, the wood waste is drained in the storage area to be used as composite raw materials. The sorting is carried out by the partner under the supervision of the university to ensure the waste is of good quality for processing.

Product Profile or Innovation Application

In this creative project, we have developed an innovation in the field of composite products by utilizing waste from masks and industrial wood. We have successfully designed and manufactured three types of products using the composite board making process. These products include:

Table, created through the hot press process for composite board manufacturing. The dimensions of this table are 49 cm x 40 cm with a height of 49.5 cm. The hot press process not only provides higher structural strength to the table but also enhances the product”s durability against environmental factors.

First chair, also made using the hot press process for composite boards. The dimensions of this chair are 25 cm x 25 cm with a height of 41.5 cm. The application of hot press to this chair aims to optimize the density and durability of the composite material.

Second chair, produced using the composite board manufacturing process at room temperature. The dimensions of this chair are 31 cm x 21 cm with a height of 41.5 cm. The use of the room temperature process aims to explore alternatives in making more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products.

These three products have undergone testing with real-use scenarios, including strength and durability tests for sitting on the chairs and using the table in everyday conditions. The results show that these products are not only innovative in their use of waste but also functional and strong in daily use.

Waste from industrial wood residues and masks from partners and suppliers.
 The placement of trash bins

The table is made from a composite board process with a hot-press treatment.

In the production of the table from composite boards with hot-press treatment, two types of composites are combined. The process of the first composite board can be described as follows:

  1. Prepare the tools and materials used.
  2. Weighing mixed wood waste, masker dust waste, and citric acid using a scale with predetermined ratio variations, namely 60% teak wood waste, 40% masker dust waste, and 20% citric acid.
  3. Mix all the ingredients then mold them using a 20×20 cm iron mold with a thickness of 1 cm with the help of a wooden mold so that the material does not scatter.
  4. The printed sample material is then placed into the hot press machine at a temperature of 200°C and a pressure of 100 bars for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from the mold after the board reaches room temperature, and it is ready to be cut according to the design.
The first type of composite board with a mixture of wood waste and mask waste.

The description of the second composite board can be outlined as follows:

  1. Prepare the tools and materials used.
  2. Weighing bamboo shavings waste, mask powder waste, and citric acid using a scale with predetermined proportional variations, namely 60% bamboo shavings waste, 40% mask powder waste, and 20% citric acid.
  3. Mix all the ingredients then mold using a 20×20 cm iron mold with a thickness of 1 cm with the help of a wooden mold to prevent the material from scattering.
  4. The printed sample material is then placed into a hot press machine at a temperature of 200 °C and a pressure of 100 bar for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from the mold after the board has reached room temperature, and it is ready to be cut according to the design.
The second type of composite board is made from shredded bamboo waste and masks.

The first and second composite boards are arranged as follows:

  1. Composite boards with a thickness of 1 cm and measuring 20×20 cm are arranged with two layers of the same composite type.
  2. From one rectangular-shaped composite board, four triangular pieces are cut for the table”s top. Thus, the total number of composite boards required for the table”s top is 8 (eight) boards. Page 18
  3. The composite boards are then assembled together with teak wood pieces as table supports.
  4. Meanwhile, for the bottom part of the table legs, composite boards made from the first type of board but with a thickness of 2 cm are added.
The front view of the table.
Display the front and top view of the table with the table dimensions being a height of 49.5 cm, and the top surface measuring 40 cm x 40 cm. Figure 4 illustrates the side view of the table.

The side view of the table.

Chairs made from composite board process with hot press treatment

The manufacturing of chairs from composite boards with hot press treatment consists of two stages, namely the production of composite boards followed by assembly into chairs, which can be detailed as follows:

  1. Prepare the tools and materials to be used.
  2. Weighing the mixed wood waste, mask dust waste, and citric acid using a scale with predetermined ratio variations, namely 60% teak wood waste, 40% mask dust waste, and 20% citric acid.
  3. Mix all the ingredients and then mold them using a 25×25 cm iron mold with a thickness of 2 cm, assisted by a wooden mold to prevent scattering of the material.
  4. The printed sample material is then placed into the hot press machine at a temperature of 200°C and a pressure of 100 bar for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from the mold after the board reaches room temperature, and it is ready to be cut according to the design.
  6. Assemble the chair with iron as the chair legs to provide strong support.
The front and top appearance of the chair with the heat-treatment process.
The underside of the chair is visible.

Chairs made from composite board processes at room temperature.

The manufacturing process of chairs from composite boards at room temperature involves the following steps:

  1. Preparing composite molds with the desired design size.
  2. Cutting wood and bamboo waste to a height of 2 cm.
  3. Melting filler as a filler for empty bamboo circles.
  4. Arranging the cut wood and bamboo filled with filler into the mold, then adding art resin into the mold with a ratio of 3:1 between resin and its hardener.
  5. Draining the composite for 2 days until the resin dries and hardens.
  6. Sanding the composite with a grinder.
  7. Adding resin with a ratio of 2:1 between casting resin and hardener to the composite board then draining it for one day.
  8. Assembling the chair with iron as chair legs for strong support.
The front and top view of the chair with a seat dimension of 31×21 cm and a height of 41.5 cm.
The underside of the chair.
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