Standard Trading Conditions (S.T.C.)
Currencies traded:
We basically trade in any convertible currency. All payments made are automatically converted to our trading currencies, which are Euro or US Dollar. Balances in our favor in excess of 5% of total trading volume need to be credited prior to shipment, smaller and balances in customers favor are kept in credit / debit until the next shipment. For customers convenience payments can be made in Europe and Indonesia. Details of payments are specified on invoices. Please inform in advance to where you wish to transfer the amounts due.

Validity of quotations and offers:
All quotations are based on standard trading terms and are without engagement until firm conclusion / acceptance of the order. Quotations are valid for 4 weeks unless otherwise agreed and specified in writing.

All trading is done based on common international commercial laws. However would the latter conflict with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, the latter shall prevail unless otherwise specified and agreed.

A customers order is complete and accepted upon acceptance of the down payment of 50% prior to commencement of the order and is non refundable as every order is irrevocable. Other payments such as balance payments / shipping and insurance charges where-ever

Applicable, and shall be paid up prior to shipping. All commercial documents will be forwarded by the manufacturer immediately after shipment as per customers instructions.

All payments shall be made net of commissions and bank charges, which are for account of the sender. Payments made through letters of credit ought to be made at sight of documents and net of fees. Alterations made in letter of credit are for account of buyers. All merchandise purchased from PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya and leaving its compound or its loading address given by buyers is not insured unless specified otherwise. It is the understanding that buyers will cover and be responsible for insurance coverage of their orders based on a door to door basis, free of all risks inclusive of war – civil unrest, riots and commotion – strikes etc. Willing delays by buyers such as push-back resulting at additional storage for PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya are not acceptable unless prior agreed. The agreed delay shall never exceed the standard transportation time from port of shipment to port on destination.

All samples shall be shipped at expense and risk of buyers through carriers appointed by buyers.

Risk and Retention of title:
All merchandise supplied by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya is at risk of the buyers once loaded at the gate of PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya or any designated loading address. PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya or their appointed parties remain the legal owner of all merchandise until PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya has been paid in full for all merchandise supplied by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya on to be sent to buyers. The buyers must store all merchandise supplied by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya separately from all other merchandise owned or stored by buyer or a third party and must clearly identify all such merchandise as the property of PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya until full payment has been made to PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya.

The buyer is nevertheless permitted to sell merchandise supplied by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya, but which has not been paid for, in the ordinairy course of its business, for full market value, on open market, arms length terms and conditions.

If the buyer sells any merchandise supplied by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya, the buyer receives the proceeds of sale as agent for PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya and must account to PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya for such proceeds of sale to the extent of PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya’s selling price for such merchandise.

Due to the nature of the products supplied by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya all trading and transactions done by PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya are not guaranteed unless otherwise specified and agreed. In case guarantees have been supplied in writing, claims must be reported within 7 days after the arrival of the goods in the first port of entry of destination. (the port as specified in AWB or Bill of lading) Replacement of wrong manufacturing will be compensated during the shipment following the shipment claim only. Compensations shall never exceed the actual value invoiced. The quality and instructions of packing must be instructed by buyers and have mutual consent of PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya and buyers as otherwise standard and prevailing packing conditions will apply.

Child Labor
PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya does not condone or support child labor in any part of their products – packing or finishing. Unfortunately child labor is still a phenomenon in Indonesia. In our work environment, the villages it is quiet common for children and elderly people to participate in the economic process and thus we assume child labor only when children, which are legally obliged to attend formal education, are part of the economic process yet do not follow formal schooling.

PT.Dekor Asia Jayakarya does not employ anybody below the age of 18 and it is a general understanding with our subcontractors that if child labor exists that contracts will be revoked once it still persists after our first warning

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